Open wide! Here’s a hefty dose of links for 10.19.07:
- The world’s First Muslim Skydiving Center open in Tehran, equipped with special programs just for women.
Scary. White supremacists demonstrate against niqabis’ rights to vote.
A great post on exactly why all this political uproar about niqab in Canada is racist.
Unique Muslimah talks about the sly marginalization of Muslim women on Yahoo!
Australia kicks around the ridiculous idea of banning hejab in airports. Is Australia still a democracy?
Tunisia’s courts rule a ban on hejab unconstitutional. Enshallah this will prevent future harassment of hejabis in Tunisia.
- Iranian girls demonstrate against poverty—and there’s lots of adorable pictures!
A review of AlSanea’s Girls of Riyadh: Just another neo-Orientalist book?
Science isn’t always objective: James Watson links sunlight to libido, and suggests that Muslim women who cover the majority of their skin are frigid. I think he’s just mad because no Muslim woman in her right mind would want to have sex with him.
Nirali magazine discusses the fact that people still just don’t get the idea of purdah (or hejab).
Barikallah! The United Kingdom gets its first Muslim woman in Parliament.